Drohnen Versicherung und Registrierung in Deutschland?

Drone Insurance and Registration in Germany

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Drone Insurance and Registration in Germany: Your Guide

Drones are no longer just toys for tech enthusiasts. With their increasing popularity, however, come new legal requirements in Germany. An important question that many drone pilots face concerns the insurance and registration of their aircraft. Here’s what you need to know about it.

1. Drone Insurance – Mandatory or Optional?

In Germany, there is a mandatory insurance requirement for drones. This means that everyone operating a drone is legally obligated to take out liability insurance. This insurance covers damages that your drone could cause to third parties. Whether you’re flying a small hobby drone or a professional model, the insurance requirement remains in place.

2. Why is Drone Insurance Important?

Drone insurance protects not only third parties but also you as the pilot. Accidents or damages caused by your drone can have significant financial consequences. In such cases, liability insurance covers the costs of repairs or compensation claims.

3. What to Consider When Choosing Insurance?

There are various providers of drone insurance on the market. When choosing, ensure that the policy meets your individual needs. Check the coverage amount and whether it also applies to commercial use. Additionally, it’s advisable to look for additional options such as theft protection or comprehensive insurance.

4. Drone Registration – A Must for All Pilots

In addition to the insurance requirement, there is also a requirement for the registration of your drone in Germany. This regulation applies to all drones weighing more than 250 grams. Registration is done through the Federal Aviation Office (LBA). Here, you’ll need to provide personal information and receive an identification number for your drone.

5. Why is Drone Registration Necessary?

Registration serves to monitor airspace and helps identify the perpetrator in case of problems. It enables authorities to act quickly and efficiently if necessary. The identification number on your drone helps to clearly identify it.

6. Penalties for Non-Compliance with Regulations

Failure to comply with insurance and registration requirements can result in significant penalties. Fines and, in the worst-case scenario, even imprisonment are possible. Therefore, it’s essential to know and adhere to the applicable regulations.

Flying drones in Germany comes with certain obligations. Compliance with insurance requirements and registration with the relevant authorities are crucial to ensuring safety in airspace and avoiding legal consequences. Familiarize yourself with the current regulations and enjoy your drone flying experience in accordance with legal requirements.

UAS Operator Registration in Germany: Your Key to Safe Drone Use

Effective December 31, 2020, all operators of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) with a takeoff mass of 250 grams or more are required to register. This requirement even extends to UAS under 250 grams if equipped with a sensor for capturing personal data, such as a camera. After successful registration, you will receive a unique electronic registration number that must be visibly affixed to each of your UAS. Here are the steps and information you need for registration.

Why is registration necessary?

The UAS operator registration is designed to ensure the safe operation of drones in German airspace. By assigning a unique electronic registration number to each drone, every drone is associated with a registered operator. This number must be visibly affixed to the drone to facilitate quick identification in the event of incidents or rule violations.

Key information required for registration of natural persons:

  • Full name (as stated in the identification document) and date of birth
  • Scan of an official, valid identification document (identity card or passport) highlighting data and expiration date (format: PNG, JPG, or JPEG)
  • Address
  • Email address and phone number
  • Name of the insurer and insurance policy number
  • Please note: Only one electronic identification number (e-ID) per person is allowed

Key information required for registration of legal persons:

  • Full name as recorded in official documents (commercial register excerpt, association register entry, etc.)
  • Scan of an official, valid document (commercial register excerpt, association register excerpt, etc.) proving the existence of the legal entity (format: PDF, PNG, JPG, or JPEG)
  • Address
  • Email address and phone number
  • Name of the insurer and insurance policy number
  • Please note: Again, only one e-ID per person is allowed

Important note regarding the term “legal persons”:

It is important to note that the term “legal persons” should not be confused with commercial activity. Both legal and natural persons can engage in commercial activities. Commercial activity is not relevant to the categorization required for UAS operator registration.

Registration fees:

Registration as an operator of a UAS in the “open” and “specific” operation categories according to §66a LuftVG is subject to fees. The fee structure is as follows:

  • For registration as a natural person, fees amount to €20.00.
  • For registration as a legal person, fees amount to €50.00.

Operate your drone responsibly and in accordance with legal requirements by completing a successful UAS operator registration.

The Right Drone Insurance: Protect Yourself and Others

The use of drones not only brings fun and creativity but also responsibility. In addition to the mandatory registration as a UAS operator, obtaining drone insurance is essential to cover potential risks. Here’s what you need to know about the insurance and why it’s so important.

Why Get Drone Insurance?

Drones are powerful devices, but even minor accidents can cause significant damage. Drone insurance protects not only your own device but also third parties and their property from potential damages. In many countries, having liability insurance for drones is legally required.

Key Information for Drone Insurance:

Before you take out insurance, have the following information ready:

  • Insurance Requirement: In some countries, there’s a legal requirement for liability insurance for drones. Check the legal regulations in your area and ensure that your insurance meets the requirements.
  • Drone Details: Information about the drone such as brand, model, serial number, and maximum flight altitude is important for the insurance.
  • Purpose of Use: Specify whether you use the drone purely for private purposes or also for commercial purposes, as this can affect the insurance conditions.
  • Coverage for Own Damage: Clarify whether the insurance also covers damages to your own drone in case you damage it yourself.
  • Coverage Limit: Choose an appropriate coverage limit to ensure sufficient coverage in case of damage.
  • Insurance Policy and Terms: Read the policy and terms carefully to understand which damages are covered and under what circumstances the insurance applies.

Additional Tips:

  • Compare Offers: There are various providers with different conditions. Compare the offers carefully to find the right insurance for your needs.
  • Duration and Notice Periods: Pay attention to the duration of the insurance and the notice periods to stay flexible.

Comprehensive drone insurance is an indispensable companion for every drone owner. Protect yourself, your drone, and others from unexpected incidents while enjoying flying to the fullest.

Provider Rate Annual Premium Deductible Insurance Coverage
R+V Drone Liability Insurance €71.40 €250 €100 million
Axa Drone Liability €89.95 €250 €100 million
Barmenia Drone Insurance €85.00 €250 €100 million
Allianz Drone Liability Insurance €99.00 €250 €100 million
Würzburger Drone Liability €75.00 €250 €100 million
HDI Drone Liability Insurance €85.00 €250 €100 million
Talanx Drone Liability €90.00 €250 €100 million
Debeka Drone Liability Insurance €95.00 €250 €100 million
Generali Drone Liability €105.00 €250 €100 million
LVM Drone Liability Insurance €79.90 €250 €100 million
ADAC Drone Liability €79.95 €250 €100 million
InterRisk Drone Liability €89.95 €250 €100 million
Eurowings Drone Liability Insurance €99.00 €250 €100 million
HUK24 Drone Liability €99.95 €250 €100 million
Nürnberger Drone Liability Insurance €109.95 €250 €100 million
SIGNAL IDUNA Drone Liability €119.95 €250 €100 million
All information and prices are non-binding and provided for informational purposes only. No guarantee is given for the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the information. It is advisable to consult the respective provider’s websites directly or contact the providers to obtain the most up-to-date information. Any liability for damages or losses arising from the use of the information provided here is excluded.

Conclusion: Drone registration and insurance - More safety for everyone

The legal obligation to register and insure drones with a takeoff mass of 250 g or more has not only legal but also safety-related aspects. Registration enables clear identification of drone operators and the assignment of unique registration numbers, which must be visibly attached to the drones. This contributes to greater transparency and safety in airspace.

Regarding the costs for registration and liability insurance, the financial burden for drone operators remains within an affordable range. With one-time registration fees of around 20 euros and annual insurance costs of approximately 75 euros, drones can be operated safely and legally. These investments are not only legally required but also serve to protect individuals, property, and other aircraft.

The variety of insurance providers allows drone operators to choose from different tariffs and services. However, it is advisable to carefully review the terms of insurance policies to ensure that all relevant aspects are covered. Overall, registration and liability insurance provide a solid foundation for responsible and safe drone flying in Germany.

Drone Flight Abroad: Comprehensive Tips and Restrictions for Travelers

Drone flying abroad is a fascinating endeavor, but it requires a precise understanding of the diverse international regulations. While drones offer breathtaking perspectives, it’s crucial to be aware of the different laws and regulations to avoid unpleasant consequences.

International Regulations and Diversity of Laws: The worldwide diversity of drone regulations makes it challenging to keep track. Each country has its own regulations for drone operation. While some countries require prior approval, others declare specific zones as no-fly areas. To be on the safe side, it’s essential to research the specific regulations of the destination country beforehand.

Registration Requirement: In many countries, there’s a requirement to register drones before operation. This not only ensures compliance with local laws but also allows authorities to identify the owner in case of issues. Travelers should be aware that registration requirements may vary by country and may need to be fulfilled in advance.

Insurance Coverage Abroad: Sufficient liability insurance is essential for drone operators, even abroad. It’s important to ensure that existing insurance is also valid internationally. Some countries may even require local drone insurance.

Prohibited Zones and No-Fly Areas: Flying over no-fly zones, such as airports, military facilities, or government buildings, is strictly prohibited worldwide. Violations can lead to serious legal consequences, including fines or drone confiscation. Therefore, it’s crucial to check local laws before takeoff and consult maps with no-fly areas.

Aerial Photography and Privacy: A sensitive area when flying drones abroad is capturing images of people and private property. Certain countries have strict laws regarding aerial photography of individuals and their property. To avoid legal issues, travelers should familiarize themselves with local privacy regulations and act accordingly.

Penalties and Consequences: Violating drone regulations can result in severe consequences. Penalties vary by country and may include fines, drone confiscation, or legal action. Therefore, a precise understanding of local laws is essential to avoid negative repercussions.

Cultural Sensitivity and Respect: Beyond legal considerations, it’s essential to respect cultural differences. Photographing certain places or people may be considered disrespectful. Travelers should be aware that local customs and sensitivities must be respected to avoid misunderstandings.

Emergency Plan and Safety Precautions: A well-thought-out emergency plan is crucial for any drone operator abroad. This should include information about local emergency numbers, behavior in case of an accident, and contact details of local authorities. This allows for a quick and appropriate response in critical situations.

Prohibited and Permitted Areas: Some countries prohibit drone flights over certain places such as tourist attractions, religious sites, or nature reserves. Therefore, it’s advisable to conduct detailed research before traveling to identify these areas. At the same time, there are often specific zones where drone flying is allowed. Maps and specialized apps help explore permitted flight areas.

Drone flying abroad can be a fulfilling and unique experience, provided the individual is aware of the legal provisions and regulations of the destination country. This comprehensive overview provides a solid foundation for adventurous drone enthusiasts to explore the world from above while respecting both personal and legal boundaries.

Drones Abroad: Global Regulations and Focus on No-Fly Zones

The fascination of drone flying knows no bounds, but the legal provisions vary significantly from country to country. While some countries extend an open welcome to drones, others impose strict restrictions and approval procedures. Here we shed light on the complex challenges and opportunities for drone pilots abroad.

Countries with General Drone Bans: Exploring Restrictions

  1. Saudi Arabia: Hovering above the skies of Saudi Arabia requires prior approval from the Saudi Arabian Civil Aviation Authority. Unauthorized drone flights are strictly prohibited.
  2. North Korea: In North Korea, the use of drones is illegal, and the penalties for violations are severe. It is crucial to adhere to the strict regulations here.
  3. Cuba: The Caribbean gem of Cuba allows drone flights only with prior approval from the Civil Aviation Authority. Unauthorized flights are prohibited.
  4. Egypt: Floating over the pyramids is enticing, but in Egypt, it requires special approval from the Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority.
  5. Morocco: The enchanting landscape of Morocco can be experienced with drones only with prior approval from the aviation authority.

Detailed Regulations and No-Fly Zones: What Drone Pilots Must Consider
The global diversity of drone regulations makes it essential to study the respective laws before each international flight. Moreover, there are specific no-fly zones that must be strictly observed:

  • Airports: Airports worldwide are considered strict no-fly zones. Unauthorized intrusion can lead to not only legal consequences but also significant safety issues.
  • Government Buildings: Many countries prohibit drone flights in the vicinity of government buildings and sensitive facilities.
  • Military Installations: Airspace over military facilities is often heavily protected. Violations can have serious consequences.

The Penalties for Violations: Examining Possible Consequences
The sanctions for illegal drone flights abroad can range from fines to imprisonment. It is crucial to know the local laws to avoid legal problems.

Conclusion: Responsible Drone Flying Across Borders

Drones offer breathtaking perspectives, but their use requires a deep understanding of global aviation regulations. Pilots should always research up-to-date information to ensure both the freedom of flying and compliance with laws. A conscious and respectful approach to the respective regulations helps preserve the fascination of drone flying worldwide.

Drone Violations and Fines Under Scrutiny

You’ve already learned how important it is to comply with the regulations of the drone ordinance to ensure safety in the airspace and on the ground. But what happens if these rules are violated? Here’s how violations are penalized according to the fine schedule and what consequences may arise.

It is strictly forbidden to fly drones in certain places, such as airports or government buildings. But also obstructing or endangering people, machinery, or industrial sites is taboo.

If your drone violates these rules, fines can be imposed from the fine schedule. This also applies if the drone is not properly registered. Violations of the ordinance, the Aviation Act (LuftVG), or the Aviation Regulations (LuftVO) can lead to sanctions. Taking photos and videos without the permission of the people depicted is also prohibited.

The fine schedule provides for fines of up to 50,000 euros for administrative offenses under the LuftVG. Violations of data protection regulations and the unauthorized taking of drone images can also be severely punished. It is therefore crucial to inform yourself about the laws beforehand to avoid penalties.

Can there be a criminal proceeding? Yes, if you disturb public safety with your drone or violate data protection regulations. In such cases, criminal proceedings can be initiated, and your drone may be confiscated. Therefore, make sure to respect data protection rules to avoid legal consequences.

Flying with the drone can even become a dangerous interference with air traffic, which according to § 315 of the German Criminal Code (StGB) can be punished with fines or imprisonment of 6 months to 10 years. Therefore, observing data protection regulations is crucial when taking photo or video recordings with your drone. Stay informed and responsible to enjoy the fascination of drone flying without legal problems.

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